Butterfly Garden

The Butterfly Garden project is a way of using creativity to engage and improve the lives of people who are lonely and isolated across Bridgend County Borough.
We wanted to create a safe environment where people can meet others, feel connected, find meaningful activities and build on their strengths and talents. We wanted to use an empowering approach to work in a collaborative way to improve participants’ wellbeing and quality of life. The weekly Arts and Crafts sessions offered a safe and supportive environment to stimulate positive change, and the activities encouraged participants to explore and express themselves free of judgement, to have fun, and to think creatively and improve their communication skills.
Across the year, participants took part in a huge range of Arts activities, including painting, drawing, willow weaving, wreath making, collage and many more. Participants reported that over time they had made new friends, felt less isolated, more confident, and better able to cope with what life had to throw at them.
“… I love the Butterfly Garden, I don’t know what I’d do without it”
“… It’s given me confidence that I lost when my husband died and its helped me get out of the house and meet new people”
“…My favourite activity was wreath making – I still have mine in my hallway to remind me of what I can achieve”