Spring Forward

We have been running our exciting project Spring Forward which engages KS2 students using Forest Arts as a teaching and learning medium to help identify methods and strategies that children can use to express their feelings and develop emotional literacy in a post-Covid-19 world.
Using a combination of mindfulness, team games, outdoor creative activities such as making Bug Hotels and Apple Birdfeeders in addition Emotion Wood Cookies and the Forest Crown to generate wellbeing discussions children have been engaging in a “whole new world of fun outdoors.” (Primary School Teacher)
Following the first delivery online through lockdown, working in partnership with local primary schools, we have experienced children being more engaged in nature, more confident outdoors, more creative, happier and kinder.
We have produced a comprehensive Spring Forward Toolkit including SEN/ALN options, to allow you to deliver the project in your school setting. The project takes place across seven weeks, one day per week.
If you would like to know more about purchasing the toolkit, training or the delivery of the project in your setting by our team, please contact [email protected] or see our Forest School delivery options here.
The Funders
This project is funded by work has been funded by CTMUHB through BAVO and RCT Link.
Films associated with Spring Forward that can be found on our Tanio TV page:
- Flower Frame
- Willow Dreamcatcher
- Emotion Wood Cookies
- Bug House
- Bulb Planting
- Stick Person
- Floor Mandala
- Clay Creatures
- Willow Wand
- Forest Crown
From the participants
“I enjoyed going outside more.”
“I liked doing art outside.”
“I like watching nature and playing games.”
“I wouldn’t normally go outside but now I love it.”
“Colouring pebbles outside made me feel a lot happier than indoors.”
From teachers,
“It opened up a world of fun outside.”
“The mindfulness made us feel really calm and ready for our day.” “
My pupils were so much more engaged in creativity outdoors than inside.”
“We are definitely going to use Spring Forward in our Wellbeing Wednesdays.”
We will use Spring Forward in our planning for the future.”