Artist Ofynnol, Prosiect Murlun! Artist Call Out, Mural Project!


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Prosiect Murlun Tanio

Mewn cydweithrediad â Hale Group a Chyngor Caerdydd


Artist ofynnol!

Ydych chi’n artist gweledol?

Ydych chi’n byw ar hyn o bryd neu a ydych chi wedi byw yn Nhrebiwt neu o gwmpas?

Mae eich angen chi ar gyfer prosiect newydd cyffrous!


Rydym yn chwilio am DDAU artist cymunedol proffesiynol i weithio gyda phreswylwyr sy’n byw ar hyn o bryd yn y tai dros 55 oed yn Nelson House, Butetown. Bydd y trigolion hyn yn symud i adeilad newydd sy’n cael ei adeiladu ger Stryd Bute ddiwedd yr Haf/dechrau Hydref 2025.


Hoffai Tanio gomisiynu: 

Dau artist gweledol/murlun, i weithio ar y cyd â thrigolion Nelson House i ddylunio a gwneud gwaith celf a fydd yn cael ei arddangos yn yr adeilad newydd. Gall hwn fod yn un murlun mawr wedi’i baentio ar fwrdd i’w arddangos yn y fynedfa, neu ddau ddarn llai i’w harddangos yn lolfa newydd y trigolion. Mae angen i’r ddau artist feddu ar brofiad o weithio mewn lleoliad cymunedol.


Beth sydd ei angen:

Byddwch yn gweithio gyda 4 – 10 o breswylwyr ar y safle yn nhŷ Nelson. Bydd gennych 2 sesiwn gyda nhw i sgwrsio, cysylltu ac atgoffa, gan weithio tuag at ddyluniad y cytunwyd arno gyda’r trigolion.

Bydd y ddau artist yn cyflwyno sesiynau gyda’i gilydd, gan weithio ar weledigaeth gyfunol. Bydd yr artistiaid yn dod â chysyniad creadigol y preswylwyr yn fyw. Unwaith y cytunir ar y dyluniad, bydd 2-3 diwrnod i beintio’r dyluniad, a gellir gwneud rhai ohonynt ar y safle gyda’r preswylwyr. Bydd y penderfyniadau hyn yn cael eu harwain gan ddymuniadau’r preswylwyr.

Mae croeso i artistiaid wneud cais fel pâr neu fel unigolion.

Bydd yr artistiaid llawrydd yn gweithio i Tanio.


Diben Cyffredinol:

Bydd deiliaid y swydd yn chwarae rhan ganolog wrth sicrhau bod y prosiect yn cael ei ddarparu i’r safon uchaf, gan gynrychioli gweledigaeth greadigol y preswylwyr wrth ddwyn i ffrwyth etifeddiaeth barhaol o’r cydweithio rhwng Tanio, Hale Group, a Chyngor Caerdydd.


Prif ddyletswyddau a chyfrifoldebau allweddol:

  • Cyflwyno dau sesiwn greadigol gyda’r trigolion i ysbrydoli’r murlun
  • Cysylltu â’r artist arall, Tanio, a’r staff yn Nelson House i gynllunio ac amserlennu sesiynau prosiect a darparu
  • Gweithio gyda Tanio i ddod o hyd i ddeunyddiau a sicrhau cyfathrebu rhagorol gyda’r holl bartneriaid wrth osod y murluniau (Hale fydd yn gyfrifol am y gosodiad go iawn)
  • Cyfrannu at asesiadau risg
  • Cysylltu â thîm Tanio, yn enwedig Rheolwr y Rhaglen
  • Darparu mewnbwn ac adborth at ddibenion gwerthuso i sicrhau bod dysgu’n cael ei gasglu, fel y gellir ei gymhwyso i gynllunio a chyflawni prosiectau yn y dyfodol


Gofynion Sefydliadol

Fe fyddi di:

  • Sicrhewch wiriad DBS cyfredol
  • Cynnal safon uchel o broffesiynoldeb
  • Gweithio’n ystyriol mewn amgylchedd preswyl a chynnal cyfrinachedd bob amser wrth gofnodi neu gasglu data ar gyfer y prosiect
  • Argymell camau gweithredu i sicrhau gwerth am arian ac effeithlonrwydd
  • Cydymffurfio â Pholisi Iechyd a Diogelwch Tanio a rheoliadau statudol
  • Cydymffurfio â rheolau a rheoliadau Nelson House.


Am beth rydym yn chwilio?

Rydym yn chwilio am unigolion sydd â

  • Sgiliau creadigol rhagorol mewn celf murlun gweledol neu fawr i alluogi cyflwyno’r prosiect yn llwyddiannus
  • Profiad o weithio gydag oedolion mewn lleoliad cymunedol
  • Y gallu i weithio ar y cyd a chyfathrebu’n effeithiol ag artist arall a holl bartneriaid y prosiect
  • Sgiliau cyfathrebu rhagorol (ysgrifenedig a llafar) a sgiliau rhyngbersonol â phobl ar bob lefel
  • Gwybodaeth am arferion gweithio cynaliadwy
  • Parodrwydd i gymryd ymagwedd ymarferol at ddatrys problemau a saethu trafferth


Telerau ac Amodau

Natur ymgysylltu:  Contract llawrydd (hunangyflogedig)

Gweithle:  Nelson House, Butetown, Caerdydd

Ffi:  £1,000 yr artist (mae cyllideb ychwanegol ar gyfer yr holl ddeunyddiau)

Hyd y contract:  Mae’r gwaith cyflenwi yn dechrau yng Ngwanwyn 2025, gyda’r gwaith gosod wedi’i gwblhau erbyn Gorffennaf 2025

Contract i gynnwys:              

  • Hyd at 2 awr o gyfarfod cynllunio gyda Tanio a’r artist arall
  • 2 x 2 awr gweithdai creadigol gyda thrigolion i ysbrydoli’r dyluniad
  • 2/3 diwrnod paentio


Beth i’w wneud os oes gennych ddiddordeb? 

Anfonwch lythyr eglurhaol (dim mwy na 500 gair) yn manylu ar eich addasrwydd ar gyfer y swydd gydag enghreifftiau o’ch gwaith i [email protected]

Rydym hefyd yn hapus i dderbyn mathau eraill o gyflwyniad, fel fideo neu sain (uchafswm o 5 munud o hyd).

Y dyddiad cau yw 31 Ionawr 2025 am hanner dydd. Byddwn yn ateb pob ymholiad.


Tanio Mural Project

In collaboration with Hale Group and Cardiff Council


Artist call out!

Are you visual/mural artist?

Do you currently live or have you lived in or around Butetown?

We need you for an exciting new project!


We are looking for TWO professional community artists to work with residents currently living in the over 55’s housing at Nelson House, Butetown. These residents will be moving into a new build that is under construction near Bute Street in late Summer/early Autumn 2025.


Tanio would like to commission:

Two visual/mural artists, to work collaboratively with the residents of Nelson House to design and make artwork that will be displayed in the new building. This may be one large mural painted on a board to be displayed in the entrance, or two smaller pieces to be displayed in the new residents’ lounge. Both artists need to have experience of working in a community setting.


What is required:

You will be working with 4 – 10 residents on site at Nelson house. You will have 2 sessions with them to chat, connect and reminisce, working towards a design that is agreed with the residents.

Both artists will deliver sessions together, working on a collective vision. The artists will bring to life the creative concept of the residents. Once the design is agreed, there will be 2-3 days to paint the design, some of which may be done on site with the residents. These decisions will be led by the wants of the residents.

Artists are welcome to apply as a pair or as individuals.

The Freelance artists will be working for Tanio.


Overall Purpose:

The post-holders will play a pivotal role in ensuring that the project is delivered to the highest standard, representing the creative vision of the residents whilst bringing to fruition a lasting legacy of the collaboration between Tanio, Hale Group, and Cardiff Council.


Main Duties and Key Responsibilities:

  • Delivering two creative sessions with the residents to inspire the mural/s
  • Liaising with the other artist, Tanio, and staff at Nelson House to plan and schedule project sessions and delivery
  • Working with Tanio to source materials and ensuring excellent communication with all partners in the installation of the murals (Hale will be responsible for the actual installation)
  • Contributing to Risk assessments
  • Liaising with the Tanio team, particularly the Programme Manager
  • Providing input and feedback for evaluation purposes to ensure learning is captured, so it can be applied to the planning and delivery of future projects


Organisational Requirements

You will:

  • Have an up-to-date DBS check
  • Maintain a high standard of professionalism
  • Work mindfully in a residential environment and maintain confidentiality at all times when recording or collecting data for the project
  • Recommend actions to achieve value for money and efficiency
  • Comply with Tanio’s Health and Safety Policy and statutory regulations
  • Comply with Nelson House’s rules and regulations.


What are we looking for?

We are looking for individuals with

  • Excellent creative skills in visual or large mural art to enable the successful delivery of the project
  • Experience of working with adults in a community setting
  • Ability to work collaboratively and communicate effectively with another artist and all project partners
  • Proven excellent communication (both written and verbal) and interpersonal skills with people at all levels
  • Knowledge of sustainable working practices
  • Willingness to take a hands-on approach to problem solving and trouble shooting


Terms and Conditions

Nature of engagement:  Freelance (self-employed) contract

Place of Work:  Nelson House, Butetown, Cardiff

Fee:  £1,000 per artist (there is additional budget for all materials)

Contract length:  Delivery starting in Spring 2025, with installation completed by July 2025

Contract to include:                     

  • Up to 2-hour planning meeting with Tanio and the other artist
  • 2 x 2 hr creative workshops with residents to inspire the design
  • 2/3 days painting


What to do if you are interested?

Please send a cover letter (no more than 500 words) detailing your suitability for the position with examples of your work to [email protected]

We are also happy to accept other forms of introduction, such as video or audio (max 5 mins long).

Application deadline is 31st  January 2025 at midday. We will reply to all enquiries.